Cikaski biznismen Daniel Micic bio je jedan od nekoliko predstavnika srpske zajednice iz Illinois-a i Micigena koji su u maju 2024-te godine imali prilikiu da se susretnu sa Predsednikom Donaldom Trump-om u njegovoj rezidenciji Mar-A-Lago na Floridi.
Pored susreta sa Predsednikom, dogadjaju je prisustvovao i veliki broj lidera Republikanske Stranke, kao i clanovi Senata i Kongres SAD. Daniel Micic kaze da je ovo bilo nesto fascinantno i da je to sigurno jedan od najvaznijih susreta u njegovom zivotu, i nesto cega ce se uvek secati.
Par meseci kasnije, Dan Micic je imao priliku da se sretne jos jednom na kratko sa Predsednikom Trump-om. Tada se sa njim fotografisala cela njegova porodica, ukljucujuci suprugu Aleksandru i sina Nicholas-a. To je bilo na dogadjaju u Medison Skver Gardenu u Njujorku.
Micic prenosi da je veoma srecan sto je Predsednik Trump pobedio na novembarskim izborima i jako se raduje sto ce on uskoro i zvanicno biti inaugurisan za novog, 47-og Predsednika SAD.
Meeting with President Donald Trump
Chicago businessman Daniel Micic was one of several representatives of the Serbian community from Illinois and Michigan who had the opportunity to meet President Donald Trump at his Mar-A-Lago residence in Florida in May 2024.
In addition to the meeting with the President, the event was attended by a large number of leaders of the Republican Party, as well as members of the US Senate and Congress. Daniel Micic says that this was something fascinating and that it is certainly one of the most important encounters in his life, and something that he will always remember.
A few months later, Dan Micic had the opportunity to meet briefly with President Trump once again. Then his whole family took photos with him, including his wife Alexandra and son Nicholas. It happened at the event at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Micic reports that he is very happy that President Trump won the November elections and is very happy that he will soon be officially inaugurated as the new, 47th President of the USA.